Saturday, August 11, 2007

Day 18 WPF

Not on time, but after 2 weeks or 100 hours I've got the shooting game controller done. Client is OK, he's not on time either. This thing won't be seen till Labour Day.
One main panel, a multipage settings dialog, a password dialog and a high score dalog. I'm not totally loving WPF because I'm not used to flow layout - not having done much HTML. I like that it adjusts to screen size, and everything stretches etc., but I'll have to work at it more to get complex dialog panels to look the way I want. I'm using VS 2005 on XP so maybe there's better layout tools? I immediately stopped using the VS 2005 graphical layout tool, because it just messed my XAML totally. Positioning controls to 8 decimal places, spanning controls over columns, yech! I just let it show me the results of my hand-coding.
So now I'm going on vacation at Pinery Provincial Park. Surf, beach, shady trees, long walks, beers and guitars around friendly campfires.

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